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Bienvenue aux Académies SHINE

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About Us

SHINE Academies is a forward thinking and growing Trust that is committed to improving
the outcomes for all children within its care and approach of educating the whole child,
offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities and an outstanding Creative Arts, Music
and Sports provision. The Trust currently comprises of four schools, Northwood Park
Primary School in Bushbury, Lodge Farm Primary School in Willenhall, Villiers Primary School in Bilston and Busill Jones Primary School in Bloxwich. We are expected to grow to six schools in 2024/25. All our schools are large and therefore progression opportunities are

All our schools across SHINE Academies work collaboratively and to the same ethos. Our
executive leadership, middle management teams, Trust Board and Local Governing Boards
are compassionate and supportive. Our talented, enthusiastic and caring pupils are at the
centre of all that we do, and our staff are proud to be part of the SHINE family. Two of our
schools are currently recognised as Centres of Excellence for Inclusion, with all of our
establishments offering inclusive and equitable opportunities for all of our stakeholders.
We pride ourselves on being a friendly and personable trust with a culture where every
individual is valued and respected.

Our mission at SHINE Academies is to create a child-centred community, no matter the
challenge, working collaboratively with courage and compassion.


Notre chronologie

Northwood Park Primary School convertie en statut Multi Academy Trust et renommée Northwood Park Educational Trust (NPET)

avril 2016


(01902) 558715

Chemin Collingwood, Bushbury

Wolverhampton, WV10 8DS

Président-directeur général : Mme G Morris

SHINE Academies est une société à responsabilité limitée enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro : 09341839

© Copyright 2019 par SHINE Académies

Créé parApprentissage de l'écureuil

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