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Children in Classroom


SHINE Academies operates as a West Midlands MAT across two local authorities;

Wolverhampton - Northwood Park Primary and Villiers Primary

Walsall - Busill Jones Primary and Lodge Farm Primary

Our schools all work within the admissions policy guidelines used within their own authority and details for each school can be found below.

For Admissions Policies for the 2025/26 intake, school specific policies can be found below:

The Trust has consulted on admission arrangements for the 2026/27 intake and a new Trust-wide Admissions policy is available for 2026/27 as follows:


(01902) 558715

Chemin Collingwood, Bushbury

Wolverhampton, WV10 8DS

Président-directeur général : Mme G Morris

SHINE Academies est une société à responsabilité limitée enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro : 09341839

© Copyright 2019 par SHINE Académies

Créé parApprentissage de l'écureuil

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