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Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 2018 is the law which governs how organisations, including schools use “personal data”, you may recognise this legislation as “GDPR”.

The aim of this law is to ensure all personal data is protected and organisations who work with such data are held accountable for its protection.

At SHINE Academies Trust, this includes the information about, pupils and their families, our staff, volunteers, Directors and any other individuals whose information we collect and use.

How We Use Your Information

The Data Protection Act encourages organisations that are responsible for using people’s information to make sure it is clear why this is necessary and how it is used.

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer from Services 4 Schools Ltd to support our Trust and academies with matters relating to Data Protection and the use of your personal information.

Our Data Protection Officer is registered with the Information Commissioners Officer (ICO).

If you have a question about how your personal data is used in school, or would like to make a formal request, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing or by writing to the Trust at SHINE Academies Trust, Collingwood Road, Bushbury, Wolverhampton, WV10 8DS, marking your envelope “For the attention of the Data Protection Officer”.

For more information on SHINE Academies Freedom of Information Policy & Publication Scheme

For more information on SHINE Academies Data Protection Policy 

Click for SHINE Academies Privacy Notices for;



(01902) 558715

Collingwood Road, Bushbury

Wolverhampton, WV10 8DS

Amministratore delegato: Sig.ra G Morris

SHINE Academies è una società a responsabilità limitata registrata in Inghilterra e Galles No: 09341839

© Copyright 2019 by SHINE Academies

Creato da Squirrel Learning

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